First Post… Again

1 minute read

So I finally installed Jekyll and got a simple site set up for GitHub that I can update much easier. Will that actually mean that I update it on a regular basis? Who the fuck knows really, but I doubt it.

I just started actually using git again a month or so ago when I got tired of having to recreate conf files from local backups and decided to actually sue git for it. I’m a complete and utter fucking novice to be fair, so don’t judge too harshly, but I can theme out i3 when I have to, which is what the majority of what is here is actually for.

I’ve been running i3 on and off for a couple of years now (four maybe?) but just recently switched all of my machines over to it. I wanted a nice solarized-dark theme for it and ended up piecing together a number of different things in order to get it working like I wanted it. First I got it running on my Arch laptop, and here more recently on Linux Mint on my primary machine.

Linux Mint, well the Ubuntu repos really, are a fucking nuisance for this kind of thing and it took a lot more tweaking to get it running the way I like it. Even still I have some more work to get i3blocks working like I would like it. So I will likely be messing with that later on.
