So it has been awhile. Not much to show for it to be honest, I’ve been working more lately. And until last night was running the NecroBot for PokemonGo, just playing around. I was able to boost a test account up to lvl 25 in about a day of it running on and off. Then Niantic did something to the unknown6 flag that broke the bots.

Outside of that, I switched window managers again, they really are a revolving door for me. I’m now running LxDE on the main box, and Budgie on the laptop. Why did I get away from i3? Well to be honest, I’m not entirely sure. It just got to be a hassle to do some things for work that I would have to go and manually edit the config for to allow floats or to pop on a separate monitor, or workspace. So anyway I left i3 and went to Gnome3 for a little bit. Which is pleasantly nice, but, and this has always been my beef with Gnome, they thing eats resources, and on a Mint distro, Gnome3 is not well supported. (On my Arch laptop it runs great for what it’s worth.) So here I am at LxDE. It is very light, essentially OpenBox with a panel and some custom apps going, but even it isn’t perfect. For example, when xscreensaver stops the icons in the systray tend to leave some remnants of color in their backgrounds. Annoying, but hey it didn’t happen in i3, or Gnome3. I would like to get it to use rofi instead of the default lxde app launcher as well, mainly because theirs stinks.

So why not just run Openbox with the crap you want to load running? I’m not sure really. I originally got away from OBox because the X process would just start filling up memory as time went on, until I had 1GB+ of RAM tied just to the mdm session. And yes I stripped down to just straight OBox and ran with nothing, leaving it at a desktop overnight and saw the same results. But running LxDE as the DE (Desktop Environment) with OBox as the WM (Window Manager) doesn’t have that issue. So maybe I will find another lightweight DE that uses OBox that I like better, I dunno.

In other news, I had my kids for the month of June, which is why I was absent for so long. I forgot about this tbh and only just remembered. We didn’t actually get up to much, but I was able to spend about 5 days at the beach in Gulfport, MS. Which was really nice.

Anyway, I’ll post more later on DE’s as I come across something.

Oh, and also I’ve made the switch to Vivaldi across the board (well except on Android). And I’m loving it so far. The 1.1+ builds are really stable and deserve a try.

Kids at a beach Obligatory pic of the kids at said beach, and my left big toe…

Gulport also has a cool model train museum with a bunch of Legos in there that was awesome also. You can find them at their website here. Lego Display Train
